Monday, April 30, 2007

A Songkran Miracle

Perhaps it’s never meant to last. I raised my legs onto the bench, wrapped my warms around them, and let my body loose its balance so that I would tip towards you. We looked each other in the eyes. Another train arrived at the Siam Skytrain station. Did we see the farewell episode playing already?

You still have powder on your face. Why the longing glance. I pulled my shirt towards you and wiped them off, slowly tracing the perfect contours of your smile. If I could also wipe away the memories of this Songkran miracle, maybe we could then happily go on our separates lives, you a figure in a 9-million strong population, and me an unsuspecting tourist on a festive sightseeing.

We shall never have tried the bitter-sweet taste of a tight embrace in an even more tightly packed G-Star, or the wicked sensation of ice-cold water down the spine, or locking hands in the cinema, or running across the water fountain in front of Paragon.

But your first smile in 39 Underground, I will bring with me to the grave.

It’s never meant to be, why did we hang on. Staring out a quiet KL skyline towards your city, and then at the AirAsia website, I realized the missed calls won’t do, doesn’t matter how many times we exchange them everyday.

It’s never meant to be, why did we hang on.



David The Man said...

Hi, just wondering why is it that everytime you pen down such a story, it must end with a sad note, such as a "we-meet-eye-to-eye-here-ending-with-a-farewell-and-never-to-meet-again" kind of story? Sounds so melancholic... any other story line to change your usual style of penning down such a story? Sorry if it may sound like a criticism to you, but I am hoping that you can change your writing style every now and then, so as not to bore any avid readers like me. For example, you may end your story with a happy ending, as though both of them were meant to be together forever. Any story of that sort...

BravingKL said...

Thanks David, but happy endings belong to fairy tales, and my blog is unfortunately not even a story book to begin with.

David The Man said...

Just want to know if this is your real life story? Sounds so sad to me... boohoohoo... (me crying loudly)... phhttt... (blowing my blocked nose)... mssttt... (I am sobbing)... anyone please pass me a handkerchief... and by the way, your blog's background music adds more melancholy to this story...

~A comment by the crying David...~

Anonymous said...

"It’s never meant to be, why did we hang on"

Perhaps love?


David The Man said...

Wow! Braving, where have you been these 2 weeks? I have been logging onto your blog day and night to see if you have updated your blog. But you didn't. I miss your blogs. Where have you been? Been to M Club? or Mandi-Manda? Hehehe... just joking. Anyway, did you know that there is another plu sauna in Butterworth? It's called U2, just behind the Butterworth Megamall, on the same shop row as the Vegas Night Club. You can see VNC sign pretty easily from across the street. A U2 sign is written on the wall at the entrance to a staircase. I have visited U2 on Labor Day and met a friend there. Do visit there some day. Take care.


Pluboy2 said...

hugs :)